Warmerdam Packing Co.

Hanford, CA

  • Installed Capacity: 1 MWp
  • Modules: 6,600 x 175-watt modules
  • Inverter: 2 x Satcon 500kW inverters
  • Date Placed into Service: 12/2007

Located in the San Joaquin Valley, the Warmerdam fruit packing facility hosts one of the largest solar energy systems in the agriculture industry. The installation covers over 170,000 sq ft – larger than 3½ professional football fields – and is producing over 1.2 MWh per year. The Warmerdam plant is known for innovative handling, cooling and packaging of produce such as cherries and kiwis. To support this operation, the solar array offsets about 60% of the electrical power needs of packinghouse and cold storage facilities. Stellar Solar was able to complete this huge job under considerable time constraints: the project was awarded at the end of October and was completed by December 31st as needed for tax purposes.